"Yılmaz", "Mehmet" and "Fatma" among the most common names used in Turkey in 2024
The most common surnames used in Turkey in 2024 was "Yılmaz", while the male name was "Mehmet" and the female name was "Fatma".
According to the Address Based Population Registration System data, the number of people with the surname "Yılmaz" was recorded as 1,174,516. The number of people with the surname "Kaya" was determined as 894,360 and the number of people with the surname "Demir" was determined as 871,107 people.
Here are the other 7 most common surnames and the number of people using them:
"Çelik 714,184 people, Yıldız 693,634 people, Şahin 685,727 people, Yıldırım 664,229 people, Öztürk 585,53 people, Aydın 579,161 people, Özdemir 554,724 people."
Surnames such as Arslan, Doğan, Kılıç, Aslan, Çetin, Kara, Kurt, Koç, Polat and Şimşek also came to the fore in the rest of the list.
When looking at the most common male names in Turkey, the name "Mehmet" was at the top of the list with 1,285,141 people. It was followed by Mustafa with 1,66,554 people and "Ahmet" with 863,817 people.
In addition, the name "Ali" was used by 742,542 people, while the names "Hüseyin" and "Hasan" stood out with 577,808 and 537,184 people, respectively. The most common names on the list were "Murat" with 529,021, "Yusuf" with 524,246, "İbrahim" with 508,362 and "İsmail" with 438,668 people.
While names such as Ömer, Ramazan, Osman, Abdullah, Fatih, Emre, Halil, Süleyman, Hakan and Adem stand out in the ranking, Metin is on the list as the 30th most commonly used name.
The most common female name in Türkiye is "Fatma". There are 1,164,268 people with this name. It is followed by "Ayşe" with 915,587 people and "Emine" with 784,176 people.
In addition, the name "Hatice" is used by 714,977 people, and the name "Zeynep" is used by 704,355 people.
While the number of people with the name "Elif" is recorded as 553,984, the names "Meryem", "Merve", "Zehra" and "Esra" are among the most common names with 319,635, 293,302, 268,273 and 248,215 people, respectively.
Also noteworthy in the rankings was the number of people using names such as "Özlem", "Büşra", "Yasemin", "Melek", "Hülya", "Sultan", "Kübra", "Dilek", "Leyla" and "Rabi.
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