Nigerian woman held in police custody released on bail after police found that items seized at the market were not drugs

A Nigerian woman who was arrested in Lefkosia for the "possession of goods without customs clearance," was granted bail on Saturday after it was determined that the goods were not drugs.

The individual, MTA, a Nigerian, along with a Turkish Cypriot woman AD., who is the manager of the market were arrested November 21, 2024, by teams from the Narcotics and Smuggling Prevention Directorate who conducted an operation at the Baki African Market in Bandabulya, Lefkoşa.

They were brought to court charged with the possession of undeclared smuggled goods. While, A.D. was released on bail, MTA was held in police custody.

She was brought back to court on Saturday December 14 after a series of court appearances.

Speaking in court, police said, 110 various personal care products without customs clearance, 15 electronic personal care items, 13 bottles containing an unidentified brown liquid without customs clearance, 5 tonkat items, 4 packs of royal powder, 4 jars of drip syrup, 1 spray, 1 jar of breast powder, 1 bottle containing breast powder, 5 bottles of rave me, 15 pink jars containing pills, 12 jars containing pills, 22 jars containing white powder, and 7 jars containing chalk-like white materials were found in the possession of Morufat Tenitope Alabi and seized as evidence.

The officer noted that the suspect had been brought to court 4 times, resulting in a total of 20 additional investigation days being granted. 

During this period, the seized liquids, powders, and syrups were sent for analysis, and the awaited results have now been obtained. The analysis determined that the substances were not drugs. 

The investigation has been completed, and the police requested that the suspect be released under suitable bail conditions.

After evaluating the testimony, the judge ordered the following bail conditions for the suspect: a travel ban, prohibiting the suspect from leaving the country, report to the police for proof every week, pay a cash bail of 20,000 TL, bring a guarantor to sign a bail bond worth 300,000 TL.

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