Man declared a banned immgrant by north Cyprus government found to be working in Near East University

A professor who was declared a banned immigrant and wanted by the authorizes of northern Cyprus has been found to be the head of the NEU Artificial Intelligence Engineering department.

Just when the country is been faced with fake diploma scandal being carried out at the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU), bribery allegations  and more, another one is on the agenda.

On Thursday, it was revealed that one Fadi Al-Turjman, who was declared a banned immigrant by the decision of the Council of Ministers, was the head of the Near East University (NEU) Artificial Intelligence Engineering department.

According to the decision of the Official Gazette, it was stated that Fadi Al-Turjman was wanted by Interpol in Canada with a red notice for the crimes of "assault", "sexual assault", "attempted murder", "forcful detention", while it was stated that the past of the lecturers should also be investigated. ” 

The Council of Ministers had decided to declare Fadi Al-Turjman a prohibited immigrant because he was likely to act in a way that would endanger public order, administrative order, general morality, arouse hostility against the people and the state, or intrigue against the authority and power of the state.

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