Today in History: Al Salam ferry sank in the Red Sea killing 1,031 people in 2006

The following are some of the major events to have occurred on February 3:

1916 – Parliament fire in Ottawa causes damage worth five million dollars.

1924 – Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the United States, died.

1981 – Gro Harlem Brundtland was elected Norway’s first woman prime minister following the resignation of Odvar Nordli.

1989 – Pope John Paul, Mother Teresa visit home for destitute in Calcutta.

1994 – President Bill Clinton announced the lifting of the U.S. trade embargo against Vietnam, marking a dramatic shift in relations chilled for decades by war and post-war hostility.

1995 – Eileen Collins becomes first woman to pilot space shuttle.

1998 – U.S. Military plane hits cable car line above Italian ski resort town of Cavalese, killing 20 holidaymakers.

2006 – Al Salam 98, a ferry with 1,414 passengers, sank in the Red Sea overnight on a trip from Saudi Arabia to Egypt. Only 387 people survived.

2011 – Shinmoedake peak erupts in Japan.

2014 – Hostage taking, shooting at Moscow high school.

2018 – Tomb of Priestess Hetpet revealed in Egypt.


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