I was robbed by four African French speaking guys in north Cyprus- Student speaks out

A student has reported about how he was robbed by a group of French speaking Africans he gave a lift to.

His mail reads;

On Saturday evening I was heading from grine to Lefkosia, at the bus top I saw this four black guys and they flag me down, I was alone so I decided to give them a lift, I asked where u guys going to? They said Lefkosia, and they all entered, this guys spoke French half of the drive and at some point I had to reduce my music so they can have a proper conversation.

I don’t understand French so I could never have understood whatever they spoke about, we got to round about (the one close to the big Nike/concord  in Lefkosia ) two came down and the other two was like where was I going? I said magusa just do they can just find means and continue there movement, the two was like please let’s join u and get close to Ciu, mind u I didn’t park well so hurriedly agreed and the two entered .

I got to near East uni bustop and asked them to come down that I was going to pick a friend. That was when they came down I wasn’t looking and they made away with the brand new BeatByDre that just came out.

They spoke French not pidgin English. The  beatbydr is the new red and black that just came out, in case someone try’s selling it.

Also a black Nigerian girl that does money exchange was robbed by two black guys speaking French.

Also warn others to avoid giving people free ride  since people can’t just use their senses.

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