Woman wears hidden camera in bra to see how often people check her out
A woman walked the streets of New York with a camera hidden in her bra
to see how many people stared at her chest - and says she was completely
shocked by the footage.
Footage gathered by Whitney Zelig, 29, catches a huge number of people taking a look, including men, women and even a dog and some famous faces.
But her social experiment had nothing to do with shaming people, and instead she's done it to raise awareness of a subject she's very passionate about - breast cancer.
She hopes that highlighting how many people look at other women's boobs will remind women around the world to think about their own and check.
Speaking to Mirror Online, she said:
Footage gathered by Whitney Zelig, 29, catches a huge number of people taking a look, including men, women and even a dog and some famous faces.
But her social experiment had nothing to do with shaming people, and instead she's done it to raise awareness of a subject she's very passionate about - breast cancer.
She hopes that highlighting how many people look at other women's boobs will remind women around the world to think about their own and check.
Speaking to Mirror Online, she said:
It was very vulnerable at first for me, but it was worth it. I didn't notice until we went back and looked at the video, I was just looking straight ahead.
I was really surprised. I didn't expect the women to look too, but to be fair everyone loves boobs. I would look too.
I'm happy I did it because of the positive feedback. It was kind of funny, I don't notice it at any other time.
I mean, I thought it was hilarious. Humour is one of my favourite things and if we can use humour to raise awareness I'm all for it.
If one woman is inspired to check herself or get a mammogram from this video I will be happy.
I'm doing it for a bigger cause. This is bigger than the video or me, this is about our mums, grandmothers, children, sisters and friends.
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