Leaking old buses, over-speed, overload and smoking in the bus as Lefke students protest poor bus services

In another student news on the island, students of the European University of Lefke (EUL) on Thursday staged a protest in front of the school's student affairs building at 1.30 pm to protest against the AKVA company in charge of the school's transportation activities.

During the action the students complained that the buses were so old that they could see through some of the buses, that there was water in the bus during rainy days, bus drivers carry more than the bus capacity, and they did not have any safety.

Other complains includes; bus drivers driving dangerously, driving over the speed limit, drivers smoking in the bus and talking on the phone while driving.

At the beginning of the academic year, students of the university stated that they paid transportation fee, and so the need to take action to rectify these problems and to eliminate their grievances.

Following the protest, the student representatives met with the rector, and was briefed about the situation.

Source: Havadis

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