Express love! Happy valentine's day

The feeling of love is the best feeling anyone can ever feel, a feeling of loving someone and be loved by someone ,a feeling of trust and concern, a feeling of friendship, companionship and desire. 
The world continues to evolve, the love of money, material wealth and pride of life has taken over the love of friendship, family, and humanity. People care less about the person next door, people fake a smile just to hide the pain, families are divided by mere selfish desires, relationship are destroyed by mere accusations and assumptions, lives are taken by mere negligence, material needs now supercede inward peace. 
Valentine is here again, and as I always say, its not the time for immoral escapades, selfish show off, the me, myself and I syndrome, or the latest me, myself and family syndrome to be shown. 
Valentine is a time of love, to show genuine love for people, friends, family, colleagues, foe, spouse, company, state, nation and more. Its a time to put a smile on the face of that homeless being, say hi to that long lost friend, reconcile with that foe, feed that hungry being, fix that broken relationship destroyed by ego, put national interest above personal gains and wealth accumulation, show that spouse that they are appreciated, loved and respected. 
Love must be showed to be expressed,love is giving, love is beautiful and love is the greatest commandment. 
Today specially rededicate yourself to loving selflessly, genuinely and unconditionally, let love lead henceforth. 
Today send that message of I am sorry, I love you, I miss you, how have you been, can we hang out again, I didn't mean it that way. 
Send that message of commitment,of services,of loyalty. Let this valentine be a soul searching one, to do the right things in love, let the political class see beyond their personal interest, let the medical practitioners see beyond the patient and see life, let lovers see the beauty of love. 
Today send a gift, a flower, a clothing, a message, a kiss, a food pack, a smile, an handshake. 
Today send LOVE Express love today! 
Happy valentine's day.
By Udu Celle Bright

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