22 Inspiring Business Quotes from Real, Successful Entrepreneurs (part-3)

Lori Cheek, Founder/ CEO of Cheekd
16. “Persistence and ambition almost always beat out talent. Many startups and companies fail simply because they give up too early. Success isn’t achieved by avoiding failure, but instead finding the determination to work past it.

Sophie Knowles, Founder & CEO of PDF Pro

The Power of Failure
You are going to fail before you truly succeed. Your perspective, and understanding failure’s role in success, is paramount to overcoming it.
17. “You don’t know how far you can rise until you are knocked to the ground.

Ted Jenkin, Co-CEO and Founder oXYGen Financial 
18. “Failure happens not when you don’t succeed the first time but when you stop trying the last time.

David Burckhard, PicturePoint On-line
19. “Fear of failure is something as an entrepreneur I am constantly battling against. As an entrepreneur, you are constantly trying new things and pushing the envelope. If you are not failing, you aren’t trying hard enough. Often when my team is hesitant to take action in fear of failure, I am known to say ‘It might not work. You might fail. But I rather fail at something that has potential than succeed as something with none.

Warren Struhl, Owner of Successories
20. “The best way I know to recover from entrepreneurial failures is to rely on your support group. This could be any combination of friends or family. They might not be able to give you any game-changing solution to your problem, but as long as they aren’t there to question or criticize you, they should help you at a personal level with their love and support. Simply getting away from your problem for a day or even a few hours could prove invaluable.

Peter Carson, President, Extranet User Manager
21. “Let rejection be the fuel for your motivation because on the road to your dreams, nothing should stop you.”

Dale Noelle, Founder & CEO of TRUE Model Management

Enjoy the Journey
As a business-owner, it’s only natural for you to focus on results. But focusing only on the results is one of the fastest ways to burn out.
22. “Entrepreneurship is like a bike ride. Some paths are familiar, others take you through new or rocky terrain. Some people seem to travel very far quickly, while others struggle to make it up the first hill. Each journey is different, sometimes by choice (like where to ride) and sometimes by chance (like inclement weather). Every rider has a different set up uphill climbs and downhill cruises ahead of them. Sometimes you’ll ride uphill and into the wind and it’ll feel like the world is fighting against you. Every forward motion will be hard fought and difficult to achieve. But that only makes the crest of the mountain that much more sweet of a victory when you get there. Other times you’ll be pedaling downhill and feel invincible, like you own the streets and nothing can stop you. These are the times to stay humble and keep pedaling. Realize that you’ve worked hard to get here, but just because the path is working in your favor right now doesn’t mean it will always stay that way. Keep your head down and pedal because you could be riding into another uphill battle and need to keep your momentum.
We all have different paths and some of us will go a lot farther than others. It’s not always fair that some people have better bikes than others, but that’s how the world works. Keep your eyes focused on the riders going faster than you and learn from them. But remember that no matter how fast you go, there will always be someone out there passing you, don’t let that discourage you. And lastly remember, while it’s important to travel far, at the end of the road it’s more important to enjoy the path that got you there.

Matt Ham, President / Owner of Computer Repair Doctor


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