Boy chase his moped-riding mother for hundreds of feet in busy traffic after she rode away without realising he had got off the vehicle (video)
A video showing a boy running after his moped-riding mother through a busy junction has become trending in China.
The child had been sitting on the rear
seat of the moped behind his mother, but got off the vehicle at the
crossroad when his mother was waiting the traffic lights.
Oblivious to the fact that her son had
alighted, the mother rode away as soon as the lights turned green,
forcing her son to chase her on foot.

It is said that the mother rode for hundreds of feet before realising that her son was no longer on the moped.

The scene was captured on dashcam footage filmed from a car behind the mother and the son.
The footage, dated September 20, has gathered more than one million views on Chinese social media platforms.
The video shows the boy and his mother
pulling up to the lights in front of the car, parking on the zebra
crossing while waiting for the traffic signal to change.
The little boy inexplicably climbs off the back of his mum’s moped – but the lights suddenly turn green just two seconds later.
The boy is not able to get back on the
back of the moped before his mother speeds off into the junction,
leaving the panicking boy giving chase on foot.
He runs hundreds of feet through the
crossroads, and the dashcam owner also repeatedly hoots at the mother in
a bid to get her attention.
The little boy is forced to run after his mum as she makes a big left turn onto another road.
He disappears out of camera shot as the driver hoots and appears to eventually stop the mother as the video ends.
Social media users have been left perplexed by the clip.
One web user ‘GG Xingshu’ wrote: ‘That was
deliberate. She didn’t want him anymore. She didn’t turn around when he
called after her.’
While another user ‘Shu Yongjian’ said: ‘This is how Olympic champions are made.’