Gist and Testimony

Welcome to the maiden edition of "Weekend Gist & Testimony". 
Weekend Gist is a platform for us to share our past week experience (personal or public), being it a testimony, or activities with people out there who will also have the chance to learn from your experience and contribute their opinion as well.

On this first edition, I shall be speaking briefly about my experience this week..... 
Well as of Sunday March 26, i was so excited that i was alive to see the last month of March but deep within me i knew there was something very important i need to achieve with in the week.

Monday came and pass, Tuesday followed, likewise Wednesday. At this time the pressure has doubled.. It was just two days to achieve my goal. I was worried. (Sorry i wont mention what it was that i was dealing with but bear with me and read along). I met several people for help but got.

Then i heard a voice say; :go to God in prayer, He's been waiting for you to do this long before now". That was it, I knelt down and i prayed. Though i told God what my problem is but i also spoke to my problem telling it that i have a God that is bigger than it. 

That day nothing happened. Thursday came and waited for a good news but it wasn't forthcoming. I stilled believed that something was going to happen and just then i received a call that my request has been approved. I couldn't believe it then i knew God never sleeps or slumber.

The next day was Friday and normally it takes at least two day complete what i had to do but i had just one day which automatically means its impossible to accomplished before the March 31 deadline but i just believe my case will be different.

I proceeded with the process, though had some hitches but eventually i scaled through. It was like the several departments have been waiting for me to come, they didn't even mention the fact that it was too late already but all did everything in the power to assist me. And finally i beat the deadline.

You can't imagine the amount of joy i felt within me, it was like Wow! God Did It!

You don't have to give up just too quick, you don't have to keep your problem to yourself, you don't have to feel defeated, you don't have to think its impossible. 

First recognize that there is a God who is ready to answer when we call. Like i would say "If there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer.

Take your issues to god in Prayer, believe, show some faith and above all keep going and don't give up.

I hope you get blessed as you read this.

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