Happy Birthday Sweet Mum
Queen, hero, father, mother, best friend, strength, sister, grandma,
counselor, google, doctor the list goes on. Since day 1 you have
always been there. You taught us everything we know and your life
lessons are out of this world.
We have grown together past all the trials and through it all the love of God showed us how important and sacred a mothers love is. Mhamha mashoko haakwanise kutaura all that you have done for us and continue to do.
May God continue to bless you and increase your territory, may He separate you for His cause, you will never lack for your cup runs over. Any tongue that will try and speak against you shall be silenced in the name of Jesus. You will not see what you not are supposed to, nor hear what you are not supposed to. You are covered by the blood of Jesus, you are blessed going in and out. All shut doors will be open in Jesus name, the Lord has fought for you and He will always do. May you forever dwell in His presence.
Esther's real name in the Bible is Hadassah (Esther 2:7) which means *perfume*. But when she became a slave they named her Esther which means *hidden*. But they didn't know you *cannot hide a perfume*. No one can hide you because God will restore you to be a QUEEN AS GOD HAS MADE YOU TO BE... YOU ARE COMING OUT AND NO ONE CAN STOP YOU. U ARE UNSTOPPABLE. Have a blessed day. Happy birthday our Queen....
We have grown together past all the trials and through it all the love of God showed us how important and sacred a mothers love is. Mhamha mashoko haakwanise kutaura all that you have done for us and continue to do.
May God continue to bless you and increase your territory, may He separate you for His cause, you will never lack for your cup runs over. Any tongue that will try and speak against you shall be silenced in the name of Jesus. You will not see what you not are supposed to, nor hear what you are not supposed to. You are covered by the blood of Jesus, you are blessed going in and out. All shut doors will be open in Jesus name, the Lord has fought for you and He will always do. May you forever dwell in His presence.
Esther's real name in the Bible is Hadassah (Esther 2:7) which means *perfume*. But when she became a slave they named her Esther which means *hidden*. But they didn't know you *cannot hide a perfume*. No one can hide you because God will restore you to be a QUEEN AS GOD HAS MADE YOU TO BE... YOU ARE COMING OUT AND NO ONE CAN STOP YOU. U ARE UNSTOPPABLE. Have a blessed day. Happy birthday our Queen....

Happy Birthday